3 Reasons Why Coworking is the Ideal Environment for Productivity

Coworking is the Ideal Environment

Picture this: you’re at work, staring at your computer and feeling as though you’ve been there the whole day, but accomplished essentially nothing. You’re lacking motivation, procrastinating on Instagram, going back and fourth from the kitchen to get more coffee, perhaps even reading this article to push off a task a little longer; sound familiar? Well take comfort in this–you’re not alone.

A study by Proudfoot Consulting revealed that 29 percent of all employees are unproductive on any given day. The inevitable productivity slump takes a significant toll on business success in a number of industries, and can often make or break a small business. The good news however, is that there are ways to minimize your ruts, and get back on track—chief among them is having your office be in a coworking space.

In 2016, The Harvard Business Review published a survey which found that employees in coworking spaces are more productive than employees who work in regular offices. So let’s break it down…

1. Coworking spaces let you be your own boss

Human Resources experts have found that freedom to choose work hours and place of work, provide a feeling of empowerment through flexibility, and thus, happier, more productive employees. Quite simply, giving workers the power of choice is giving them much more convenience and accountability to their work. In a coworking space, you have access to your office 24/7 and can therefore create your own schedule, and only work when you’re feeling most productive, as opposed to when you’re told (i.e. 9am-5pm). Contrary to the traditional office schedule, forcing working hours on employees doesn’t maximize their output and quality of work, but rather, frustrates them and decreases motivation.

2. Shared office spaces eliminate traditional office politics

One of the most notorious culprits for distraction, discouragement and unproductive ruts in the office are inter-company politics. Being creatures of competition, it’s only natural to get caught up in the comparison game and let it affect our motivation and thus, productivity.

Experts agree that in a traditional office environment, often unhealthy rivalry among employees dampens their enthusiasm, which impacts their productivity level. The negative energy works in a regressive manner, and it pays to neither the organization nor the employees in the long run.

Instead, allow yourself to work alongside professionals of diverse companies and work on different projects. Coworking means no job rivalry within the community.
Unlike a traditional work set-up, where employees instead of concentrating on their professional targets invest time to cut corners, make petty observations, and start drama, a coworking environment is relatively free from these types of negative sentiments. The unique attitude instilled by community managers and coworking experts in a coworking space encourage members to cooperate, enthuse a sense of community and collaboration, and in turn, create a positive feeling among individuals while providing the opportunity to learn.

3. Coworking = networking

Coworking immerses you with other professionals from different backgrounds, companies, and skill-sets. Work in an environment that automatically opens doors for you and your work. Need a second opinion on a presentation you’re preparing? Trying to battle writers block or just need someone to brainstorm with? Coworking spaces are buzzing with ideas, creativity, and professionals willing to lend a hand.

What do you think? Have you found yourself to be more productive while working from a coworking space? We want to hear about it!

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