Boosting Workplace Inclusion with Human-Centric Design Strategies

Boosting Workplace Inclusion

Many people believe that alternative workspaces are attractive to working professionals solely based upon aesthetics.

Now while there is no denying the fact that aesthetically pleasing uniqueness creates an attraction in itself, this is not the reason co-working facilities are popping up across the globe. People are missing the bigger picture and they are misinterpreting an integral characteristic that exists in any successful work environment – empathy.

Empathy is responsible for allowing individuals to relate to one another. Whether it’s through thoughts, experiences, emotions or life-centric situations, empathy in the work place is a fundamental component in effective leadership.

To get to the point that I’m trying to make: co-working facilities are ahead of the curve because of their ability to practice empathy and human inclusion practices. By implementing a more contemporary approach to how we work as professionals, co-working facilities concentrate on developing human-centric workplace strategies to battle traditional office settings.

With a more traditional office structure, management typically has the most power and exists as the great divider amongst workers. However, through human-centric working practices, co-working spaces have been able to unite the divided core of working professionals so they can foster an all-encompassing habitat for success and productivity.

Human-Centric Workspace Settings Pay Big Dividends:

Obviously it’s important to make sure that your clients are happy, but it is more important to make sure that they know they are valued and worth more than any traditional office setting could justify. You want to empower those who work under your roof and you want to make sure that they understand their significance.

By choosing to work at a co-working facility, working professionals are making a conscious decision to carry out their mandated duties in an environment that fosters their best abilities.

If you focus more on the clients and the workers that are under your roof, you’ll see dividends without a doubt. By establishing a structure where workers are created equal and management doesn’t play a big brother type of role, you are decreasing a significant portion of common office place aversions that take place.

Such strategies are responsible for…

  • Significantly lowering employee turnover rates.
  • Increasing and sustaining positive workplace moral.
  • Eliminating most types of in-office bullying and negative conflicts.
  • Fostering a culture of employee advancement, upwards growth and likelihood of promotion.

It’s not even like it takes a rocket scientist to implement such strategies in an office-type setting or alternative workspace. It all comes down to acknowledging weaknesses from top-to-bottom and looking at all of your options in terms of what you can do to better the environment for workers.

You would not want to work in a space that fosters negativity, hazing, bullying or lack of opportunity for growth, so what can you do to improve a working habitat? Simple questions such as these are all that it takes to brainstorm and get a jumpstart on bettering the space around you.

Brainstorm, Collaborate and Recognize Areas of Common Concern:

The rule of thumb for most office space settings – whether traditional or contemporary – is that if one employee has a concern or issue that arises, chances are there are more who feel the same way.

Co-working owners should be especially attentive in this situation, as it is extremely important to observe clients within the space and get a first-hand taste of what they go through. If you are able to identify and relate to the issue, that is step one in attacking the challenge and it provides closure to those who work under your roof.

Co-working spaces are typically well-equipped to…

  • Focus on improving working conditions for the betterment of professional’s health.
  • Address the common workplace conflicts that most professionals experience in traditional settings.
  • Provide comfortable work spaces that stray clear of any enclosures such as cubicles.
  • Work on improving any possible grievances that become voiced, eliminating any dragged out games of Human Resources telephone.
  • Pick the brains of working professionals so that their input and opinions are taken to heart and implemented for the benefit of prospective and current clients.

It is vital to consistently gather information about client’s previous workplace grievances in order to best outline your plan of action in how you are going to satisfy them. As a whole, especially for a co-working space, it is important to include those who inhabit your space in any brainstorming sessions that you may have. Everyone’s input is a beneficial contribution to the greater picture.

Aesthetics Can Be The “Human-Friendly” Catalyst For Comfort, Success:

While the glitz and the glamour of co-working spaces surely beats traditional office spaces to rent in Long Island by a mile, this is a feature that is truly undervalued. You can think that’s wildly extra to have mahogany furnishings and original oil paintings around an office, but the fact of the matter is how comfortable it makes workers feel.

Office space renovations or redesigns are just as important as the structure that you implement, so don’t be afraid to go the extra mile and make the place look as artistically fluid as you want. So as long as the space fosters an identity of creativity, collaboration and transparency, there is nothing wrong with spoiling clients.

For example, take ergonomic solutions! These specialized products and furnishings are responsible for emphasizing a working professional’s health and overall comfort. If you care about your workers and you care about their health, there is no reason for their relationship with you to blossom over time.

Maybe even set up a communal office space or plant room where workers can kind of vibe out on the own accord amongst other like-minded individuals. If you stay on top of your design game, especially by updating your space’s design and aesthetics, you will surely meet the needs of your clients and you will retain their business. You will also be able to successfully retain their satisfaction with how you operate as an owner.

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