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Open Offices, Co-Working, and the Workplace: What to Choose

Open Offices

Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer as it pertains to co-working, you have to do your due diligence in dissecting the vast differences between the concept of an open office setting and the more traditional cubicle style workplace.

This has become a question of hot debate within recent years, as big-wig corporate entities are claiming that co-working is killing the way we work and how productive we are, while smaller companies are saying the exact opposite and praising it’s many benefits. From a personal perspective, it all comes down to what the employees feel.

After all, they are the ones who are carrying out the operations and doing the work.

Corporate entities believe that co-working fosters an environment that exposes a lack of privacy, easy means of daily distraction, and unwarranted drama in the workplace.

If you’re someone that believes just because you didn’t buy something outright that you can’t call it your own, then the more traditional cubicle style or private office setting, is a non-negotiable vision that you’ve already predetermined in your head.

Not that this is a total shame, primarily because to each his or her own, but it does raise the question of whether or not you’ve experienced the opportunity to work amongst other professionals in an open setting.

Dissecting the Concept of an Open Office Setting

Open seating is a concept that allows the traditional flow of an office setting to become obsolete. Instead, it is replaced with a systematic approach that centers around collaboration, permeation of ideologies, and worker interaction.

All of this is meant to not only improve workflow, but to foster a culture of productivity, free-thinking and comfort. Worker interaction is by and in large one of the main priorities that comes with co-working, as the consistent flow of ideas from one person to the next is a major selling point.

Not to mention, the concept of an open office setting is like a never ending game of musical chairs where you get to work in a different space almost any day of the week. You are never confined to one solitary spot for years at a time.

On the contrary, you are always experiencing something new. But this is also a setting that one will need to get used to either consistent interaction, noises being abound, and people coming and going as they please. I understand its not for everyone, but the ideal extrovert loves an open setting.

Dissecting the Concept of a Traditional Workplace Setting

While you may not have as much “exclusive” privacy in an open floor setting, this is one of the major benefits that a traditional workplace can provide. Whether it is a cubicle or a private office, the concept of valuing privacy can be critical in determining your success, especially if you are just starting out.

In fact, privacy can become even more of an essential once your business begins to grow and expand into a territory that will require peace, quiet and confidentiality.

Now, like I mentioned before, the personality of the person who is running the business has a lot to do with whether or not they are more geared towards a traditional office setting. One of the largest factors would be their personality and whether or not they are introverted or extroverted.

If you succumb to distraction easily, the chances are that you do not want to be in an open setting. A minuscule factor like noise is capable of greatly impacting a wide range of worker productivity levels. Sometimes a traditional office setting is perfect for drowning out the noise because everyone relatively keeps to themselves.

It All Comes Down to What’s Most Important To You

Whether you’re someone who enjoys the openness of a thriving workplace, or if you’re someone that relishes the quiet and business-only element that a traditional workplace presents, the choice has to come down to what’s most important to you.

Sure, communication in an open office setting is great, but its not always what you want or need for that matter. You need to find the right balance between the pros and the cons and you need to find what suits your needs first and foremost. Obviously we know that open spaces are fantastic for worker collaboration and the permeation of ideas, but traditional office settings are also great for those who want to dive deep into their minds and envelop themselves in thought.

Sure, prices for an open office setting such as a co-working space are more cost-efficient and monetary-friendly for new business owners, but at the same time you need to wonder if this is what truly makes you happy.

Just remember one thing: even if you’re leasing, you can still call it your own and make it your own. You don’t have to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on a workspace just to be able to call it your own.

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