Top 5 Reasons Why Coworking is Better than your Bedroom

shared office

Working from home can seem like a dream come true – and sure, staying in your pajamas and taking calls from your bed makes for a less than stressful workday.

But the truth of the matter is that working from home can actually damage your professional success, especially if you’re starting a small business. More entrepreneurs and telecommuters are migrating out of their home offices and into coworking spaces each year, and with good reason.

Here’s why:

Motivation is a MIA

As much as we all love working on the couch with our dog, the experts suggest that you’re actually significantly less motivated in a home office than a stimulated office environment where others are hard at work (like a coworking space!). And while the HR experts have boasted about the benefits to a flexible workweek and “make your own schedule” policies, bigtime corporations like Yahoo have actually banned working from home; because quite simply, people are more collaborative and more inventive when they come together, says Marissa Mayer (CEO of Yahoo).

The need for networking

When you share an office with other businesses, freelancers, and creative individuals, it opens up so many doors for new partnerships, projects, and opportunities. Particularly for those building a brand or starting a company – how do you honestly expect to network and grow, from your living room?

Meeting new people, discovering new perspectives, and learning new skills form your fellow members in a coworking space gives you the competitive edge to take your business to the next level.

Keep it professional

When it comes time for a client meeting, does it really give the best impression to host in your home or deliver that pitch in a crowded Starbucks? Not quite. Coworking spaces offer fully equipped, innovative meeting and conference rooms which are included in one simple monthly rate.

A coworking space also gives your growing business a legitimate office address to give credibility and a sense of stability to your brand name. After all, separating work-life and personal life could get a bit tricky when your business address is a one bedroom in the suburbs.

All the “comforts” of the corporate office

The comforts of home are great, but that doesn’t give you access to state-of-the-art technology, private offices, communal brainstorming spaces, high-speed internet, networking events, professional development workshops…we could keep going. Plus, things as simple as printing or making copies can become a pain if you don’t have the the right supplies – coworking spaces are real offices, with all the resources and perks you could ask for.

Routine = Results

When it comes to your day to day “routine” at home, menial chores and personal tasks tend to be distracting or prevent you from delivering your best work, not to mention getting out of bed in the morning (which can be a difficult task in itself for many telecommuters).

Coworking spaces alleviate this problem by giving you a real office, and a real routine to keep you on track. According to Fusion, “Working from home is bad for you, bad for your employer, and perhaps even bad for the world. It reduces productivity and happiness, and hampers innovation and creative thinking.” Well said, Fusion.

If you are thinking about joining the community at a local coworking space or shared office, read these tips for determining which space is right for you or schedule a tour at Bridgeworks and see what coworking is all about!

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