Tips For Moving Into Your New Office Space

So you’ve finally found a space that you’ve fallen in love with and the next step is to just move in!

I understand that this is going to be an exciting time for you, if not also extremely overwhelming, but you just have to remember to breathe and get your head on straight. You’re about to embark on a professional journey that will better serve not only your daily operations but also your professional career in the long haul.

Let this office space serve as an image of your brand and a shining beacon of hope for the many clients that will come into your office and have meetings and conferences with you.

However, before you settle into that new office space and start to unload those boxes, there are some things that you should consider. Below is a list of four of the most important things to remember when settling into your new office.

If you want to follow this list, we can allow you to have this transition to go as smoothly as possible!

1. Make Sure Your Information Is Up-To-Date

We understand how easy it can be to completely forget that you have to change all of your personal information when you move into your new office space. Depending on how long you were at your last space for, this is one of the first things that people forget because it was so routine having the same address and same telephone number for all of those years.

However, we’re here to remind you of the things that you’ve forgotten and this is just another example of that.

Some of the things you should update are…

  • Your business address so it can be accounted for as it pertains to both state and federal records.
  • Your credit card accounts as it relates to your business. The same goes for your business-related bank accounts.
  • Your mail being forwarded to your new office location and that your address is updated with the post office so everything get sent there.

2. Consider Hiring A Moving Service

Depending on how big or small your last space was, you might need help moving all of that furniture that occupied your last office. You were already under enough physical and emotional distress dealing with finding a new workspace, so sometimes it just makes way more sense to let someone else do the dirty work for you when you’ve done enough.

Sure, you can do the heavy lifting yourself, but it will also take away from the valuable time that you need to be used to carry out operations – the work doesn’t do itself! There are many moving services out there that are designed to accommodate the needs of those who need help lugging around all of their belongings.

Choose one that best suits your needs and don’t look back. Remember, you have a business to run! Just be sure to check with your new space’s manager to make sure that the company you hire is able to carry out your requests.

Sometimes the movers have to be part of a union or must have an insurance certificate affiliated with the building.

3. Remember Your Beginnings, Let Your Clients Know

This is perhaps one of the most important parts of moving into a new Nassau County office space. While I totally understand and emphasize the importance of making sure that your records and contacts are up to date on a state and federal level, it’s even more important to remember that you actually have to tell your clients where you will be going to!

Without your clients, you would not be in business so it’s important to remember your beginnings and that they should be someone you are actively reaching out to.

I know that you’re excited about the new move, but there’s a great chance that they will be excited for you as well because this signifies an improvement and another step in your professional career.

  • Send out an email campaign or maybe even a newsletter that lets all of your clients know you have a new address and will be operating out of a new office.
  • If you want to be even more personal, send out a letter in the mail to all of your clients and let them know the exciting news. Sometimes a more personable approach can only increase your already strong bond.
  • Be sure to make an announcement on all of your social media accounts because, in this digital age, social media is a megaphone that projects to the masses!

4. Tell Your Old Office Where Clients Can Reach You If They Come In or Reach Out

So you’re finally starting a new chapter of your life, but nothing would be finalized if you didn’t let your old office space know that you have moved onto somewhere else.

You have to successfully close that door if you want more to open, so be sure to let your old office manager or landlord know that if a client reaches out or wants to meet with you, you can be found at your new address.

I cannot stress this enough! If you have updated business cards, be sure to leave some behind so clients know you did your due diligence in making sure they knew.

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