The Benefits of a Virtual Office

Do you remember the days where you had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning just to get ready for work in time. I know you had the thought in the back of your mind while you were showering that you had to go quickly so you wouldn’t have to sit in endless amounts of traffic before work.

You know, the times where you waited in the Dunkin’ Donuts line and eventually had to leave before getting served because you would be late for work?

Yeah, well those days are gone and they’re being replaced with an alternative that’s more time-centric and low-maintenance for employees of many industries.

The Virtual Office Benefits

A virtual office is the working means of the future and it provides employees with far more flexible work hours while improving not only their productivity levels, but also their happiness.

Working professionals are now essentially able to work from wherever they want, whenever they want. There’s no strenuous morning commute, and there’s no time-shortened lunch break because you couldn’t finish something in time.

In fact, the ideology of a virtual office is solely centered around employee retention rates and keeping you, the working professional, happy as a clam in mud.

Here are our top 4 benefits of Virtual Offices:

1. Worker Productivity Levels are Through the Roof

It’s amazing what a difference not being closely monitored all the time can make in the life of a working professional.

Without having someone hounding you down for being late in the morning, or without having your boss breathing down your neck for that report he wanted ten minutes ago, a working professional is able to better prioritize their workload and focus on what’s really important.

Plus, allowing an employee to work from home is a great way of weeding out who is serious about what they do and who is not. If that worker exceeds their goals and workload while carrying out operations from home, it’s an easy decision to keep them.

The bottom line is to place employees in their own element so they are just generally happier and more stress free. If these individuals are able to carry out their jobs successfully without having to deal with any office drama, more power to them!

2. Companies Can Save Money On Technological Costs

I’m sure you’ve heard of the term “BYOB” at restaurants and parties before, but have you ever heard of the term “BYOT”?

If you haven’t, it’s the theory of bringing your own technology, a concept that started in the school systems once administration allowed students to bring their laptops to class so they can take and retain notes.

The best part is, this is a concept that has popped up in the business world and is really revolutionizing the way we work. By allowing working professionals to carry out operations off-site, say at their own home or a co-working space, businesses are saving money in the long run by not having to purchase new forms of technology, or upgrading them when they become outdated.

The cost solely focuses on paying the worker for the jobs they perform, and allows businesses to delegate monetary expenses to more important factors. Granted, the only thing you have to worry about as a business, is the transferring of proprietary technology.

3. Getting Rid of Overhead Costs And Creating More Flexibility

Companies do not have to worry about purchasing expensive retail property and they won’t have to worry about paying of any office leases when looking for a virtual office. There are no types of monthly bills to pay like utilities or maintenance fees, and they don’t have to worry about the upkeep that comes with the territory of a brick-and-mortar type of conventional setting.

Instead, allowing workers to perform at home will open up a whole new world of savings that companies can allocate towards areas of client retention. I mean you’ve already jumpstarted the process of retaining your employees by allowing them to work at home, so why not do the same for your clients – the ones that drive your business?

If you allocate those now-forgotten overhead costs, you can increase your profit margin by leaps and bounds, all the while creating more flexibility all-around. Both employees and board members are now capable of not missing their child’s first soccer game because of a meeting. Flexibility is key!

4. Create Freedom for Your Workers and Their Activity Levels Will Skyrocket

It seems like just a free years ago when researchers at the University of Sydney’s School of Public Health released a study that was centered on the effects of workers sitting at a desk or cubicle all day long. You think about the average work day and how it’s around nine hours or so, and this study was no different by focusing on a window of eleven hours a day.

According to the study, by having your workers sit at a desk for roughly eleven hours a day, you are increasing their risk of death by more than 40% in the next three years regardless of any other activity that they do throughout the day/week.

Think about that – if you’re allowing your workers to stay confined to their desk for even nine hours a day without extensive movement or exercise, you are not only putting their well-being at risk, but also their professional livelihood.

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